Space Privateer Captain Jo

Space Privateer Captain Jo

“Oook ok ag ok”

Space Privateer Captain Jo Looked from the Space Prisoner to First Space Officer Space Monkey Clive, his teeth were showing through his grin.

“No. We are not going to do that.”

“I vote we do not do what the smiling monkey says.”

“You do not have a vote. You are our Space Prisoner you will address First Space Officer Space Monkey Clive by his rank.” Space Privateer Captain Jo turned back to the Space Prisoner; his face was impossible to read. “For your knowledge, any time a Space Monkey shows their teeth it indicates that you are in extreme danger.”

“Aye aye Captain.” The Space Prisoner nonchalantly saluted. Ignoring the danger, his eyes remined on Space Privateer Captain Jo

“Oook ok ag ok” First Space Officer Space Monkey Clive smile broadened

“Still a firm no First Space Officer Space Monkey Clive” Space Privateer Captain Jo turned to the Space Prisoner “and it’s Space Privateer Captain”

“Aye aye Space Privateer Captain.” The Space Prisoner sarcasm levels were through the roof “Your ranks are stupid.”

“OOOK” First Space Officer Space Monkey Clive smile had gone, he was fully baring his teeth now. Space Privateer Captain Jo held out an arm, barring First Space Officer Space Monkey Clive from approaching the Space Prisoner.

“Our Space ranks are not stupid, they are in fact a very clear way of delimitating rank between members of the Space Force”

“Nah, dey stoopid. First Space Captain Space Privateer Space Monkey.” The Space Prisoner mimicked an out of date dunce voice.

“OK First Space Officer Space Monkey Clive, flush this Space Prisoner into space using the Space air lock Space flusher.”

Space Privateer Captain Jo had had enough of this Space Prisoners disrespect, how absurd that he had the gall to say that the rank system in the Space Force was stupid. She would deal with the wrath of the Space Force High Space Command Space Headquarters for killing this Space Prisoner later.

Space Captain Jo V2.1.png
Jo and the man in the rain

Jo and the man in the rain

Jo, the peace accord and the asteroid

Jo, the peace accord and the asteroid